Hearing loss and speech conditions can be challenging to face alone, which is why we’re here to help with your individual journey every step of the way. In addition to programs and audiologists to help, we also understand that paying for certain services can be tough in these times.
That’s why we offer assistance for hearing aids, cochlear implants, auditory verbal therapy, physician services, hospital services, audiology services or other expenses pertaining to hearing loss. For those who may qualify, we invite you to apply to the Dallas Hearing Foundation for assistance.
You may have insurance and still apply for assistance. DHF understands that sometimes insurance does not cover services and that the costs can be expensive for hearing aids and cochlear implants.

Please note, if you are currently working, the DHF board will want to know if you have previously worked with Texas Workforce Commission (formerly called DARS). If you have not, please click here to look up the closest office to you.
To apply for assistance through the Dallas Hearing Foundation, please complete the forms, include all requested documentation and submit the forms to us.
Once the application and documents are received, the application will be processed to make sure that all documents have been verified. After this is confirmed, the application will be submitted to the board for review. The board generally reviews applications with an approval or denial within two weeks. You may email jennifer.clark@dallashearingfoundation.org to check the status of your application.